NAFIS (National Automated Fingerprint Identification System)


    National Automated Fingerprint Identification System

    hardly anyone knows that, it was a fingerprint identification system was introduced in British rule. But at that time, fingerprint identification was used to administrative work not for catching criminals.

    NAFIS (National Automated Fingerprint Identification System)

    First Creation

    In 1800, chief administrative Mr. William Herschel introduced fingerprint identification system in this world for the first time. And a few years later, this system was used to catch criminals. There have been two such theft cases in MP and Delhi, where the police could not find any evidence. The only thing police has just fingerprints. But due to these fingerprints, the police not only arrested those criminals, but also got them punished.

    Relaunching System

    Our government has made it possible! And all this became possible because of NAFIS. Which our home minister Mr. Amit Shah launched on 17th August 2022 in front of whole nation.

    Let's understand what is NAFIS? (Background)

    Suppose a crime happens to you. You go out of town and there is a burglary in your house. And not just that, a member's life is also taken in your house. And those criminal had mask on their face. You want to catch them, but how? How do you find out who those people were? Is there any way Whenever such a crime happens, the forensic team first comes there and collects all the evidences. Like fingerprints, hair samples, even nail scrapings, and if there are blood or saliva samples, all these things. 

    After this, all these forensic evidences are sent to the forensic lab for testing. Apart from that, a lot people are suspected, and after that these forensic evidences are matched with them, and after that a criminal record forms. All the details of the person with whom all those things match his criminal record is made. After that a charge sheet is filed and that person is presented in the court. But if someone pleads not guilty during a criminal court trial or he completed his sentence, or he gets the bail.So in that scenario, in most of the cases, those criminals commit the crimes either with the same identity or with the new identity. 

    NAFIS Functioning?

    Now the problem is, when that if the criminal goes to the other state, that other state doesn’t have any criminal record of that person. Due to which it becomes very hard to identify or catch that criminal. By using such things and dodging their criminal history they commit more crime after going to other cities. 

    And this is where NAFIS comes in. In NAFIS, many stations would be set in every state,and these stations, by collecting the data of fingerprints and palm prints, and store it into a central database. Like if we take the example of three states, Gujarat, Delhi and Mumbai, so in that scenario, all the police stations that have been in all these states, all the criminals who have been there so far,all the criminal records present there and all the criminals who are coming, by extracting the data of their fingerprints and palm prints and will be stored them in the central database of NAFIS


    Basically, NAFIS is an online web based application, which will act like a central store house, where every crime record of a criminal and every data would be stored. Like his fingerprints, palm prints, blood samples, even his every crime record, all these details would be present there. And police authorities can access these database files form anywhere in India.

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